What I Do

My mission is to help individuals and organizations improve their practice of conservation.

Catalyzing & Innovating

Back of a woman at the front of a canoe on a still lake, facing forested shoreline and distant mountains

Conservation requires moving people to action with new ideas and new programs. For 30 years I have been helping organizations recognize, organize and implement new approaches to achieving conservation.

Learning & Synthesizing

Two people examine a fishing net in the shallows of a river

Conservation work generates a great deal of information about what has worked, what has not worked, and why. The field has a poor record of capturing and learning from this information which results in less effective conservation. Documenting and synthesizing provides the opportunity to improve the practice of conservation.

Convening & Facilitating

Flocks of cormorants in a lake and distant sky in orangey dusk

Conservation is rarely a solitary pursuit. Meetings of small and large groups are often critical to making progress. Successful meetings rely on careful planning, clear articulation of goals and processes, attentive facilitating, and prompt follow through.